Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Terraced Hillside Living Space, Santa Cruz Ca

Project: Terraced Residential Living Space

Scope of Project: Design + Build

Location: Santa Cruz, California

Intention & Key Features: The primary focus of this design was maximizing usage, transforming a steep, untapped hillside into a flourishing abundant garden. This garden breeds life and provides for entertaining and outdoor living year round.

Four terraced living spaces with an integrated water feature and covered dining area with solar panel array provides the backdrop for edibles, natives, fruiting trees and flowering climbers.

Most important for the client was creating a view shed out to the ocean at the top of the hillside for scoping out those perfect surf sessions. This backyard shows what's possible in the face of uncertainty.

Residential Green Retrofit, Santa Cruz California

Project: Residential Graywater Constructed Wetland, Rain Garden Bioretention System, Raised Edible Beds, Permeable Paving, 3,000 Gallon Underground Cistern, Vegetated Driveway & Vertical Climbing Garden

- Gravity Fed Laundry to Landscape System

Purpose: Utilize On-Site Recycled Laundry Water & Rainwater Resources To Create A Gravity-Fed Irrigation System & Underground Rainwater Collection System That Facilitates Groundwater Recharge, Sustains Native & Edible Landscape, Diversifies Urban Microclimates, Promotes Cooling, Builds Habitat & Encourages Biodiversity

Scope of Work: 2-d & 3-d Conceptual & Working Drawings For Integrated Site Systems, Interface With Client & Engineer, Design Oversight During Course Of Construction

Location: National Street, Santa Cruz California

100 Gallon Rainwater HOG System- Pilgrim's Way Bookstore, Carmel-By-The-Sea

Project: HOG Rainwater Catchment Demonstration System
Scope: Design & Installation
Storage Capacity: 100 Gallons With Potential To Expand
Project Location: The Secret Garden
Pilgrim's Way Bookstore

The Rainwater HOG is a 50 gallon modular storage catchment tank for the collection of rainwater. The HOG can be installed vertically or horizontally and you can extend the number of modules over time as your storage system needs and capacity expands. Whether for irrigation, habitat creation or toilet flushing, the HOG can be designed into a vast erray of site conditions. I can customize the HOG design to fit your specific lifestyle needs, site conditions and short and long term goals for reducing your potable water usage and integrating rainwater catchment into your sustainable home or business ecosystem. The HOG system can acheive up to 9 LEED credits for new construction or existing buildings.

Commercial Project: Laser Devices Inc., Monterey Ca

All sod was removed from the site creating a semi-public native drought tolerant garden plaza space for employees & clientele upon entry.

Custom commercial entry courtyard sculpture, sitting wall + water feature

3-d concept model


Water feature & terraced ipe deck seating

Entry metal sconce lighting design, fabrication + installation

Terraced entry courtyard habitat planting

Second Story Interior Mezzanine Plant Design & Installation Welcomes Commercial Clients, Provides Improved Indoor Air Quality, Improved Productivity & Connection To Nature In The Work Place.

Light Houses does monthly maintenance on this interior plant scheme along with the entire exterior grounds.