Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Graywater: Harvesting, Harnessing, Building & Growing LIFE

Project: Harvest LIFE Project: Marina, California

Project Scope: Design + Build Services

Stage of Development: Installation In Progress

Type of Systems Designed For Client's Home Ecosystem & Lifestyle:

1. 1500 gallon Cistern and Effluent Pump System with
Constructed Wetland + (3) Mulch Basins / Mini Leach Fields

2. Launday to Landscape with (2) Mulch Basins

3. Edible Canopy & Shade Trees, Wetland & Native Coastal Dune Plant Species & Monterey Cypress Species.
Edibles Include: Citrus (Lemon), Fig, Blue Elderberry, Banana, Apples
Natives Include: Buckwheats, sages, bunch grasses, ca. fuchsia, toyon, ceanothus, lupine...

Purpose of Green Retrofit:

To dramatically cut back on potable water consumption by harvesting used on-site graywater for edible and native coastal dune landscape, groundwater recharge, habitat creation, biodiversity building. This project is about shifting priorities and what is important, choosing a more self reliant and sufficient lifestyle, recognizing a precious untapped resource and taking FULL advantage of its potential- Reevaluating and redesigning the daily usage, requirements and cycle of water at the home scale. Here we have designed systems to diverted the 'waste' water stream and create multiple resource and nutrient streams that literally build and support life. It's about recognizing that potable water is in high demand and short supply and it doesn't need to be used in most home applications. Its about choosing a daily lifestyle that enbodies reuse and repurposing, harvesting, harnessing, redistributing, infiltrating, building (soil, delight and potential), attracting and welcoming (beneficials & diversity) and growing a healthy balanced connected nutritious life experience at home.

Pic: Contoured Mulch Basin / Mini Leach Field / Swale In Progress

Breaking Ground:

Here we are defining the constructed wetland for the cistern overflow planter. Here, cattails and rushes will filter, slow, and redistribute water for infiltration and plant requirements, attract beneficial insects, diverse wildlife, happy homeowners and a sense of peace and well being.

Mulch Basin Excavation, Contouring & Grading Work